LED Light for iPhone 4 - Free LED Flashlight Utility

Seoul,  KR   Oct 06, 2010 in Utilities

[prMac.com] Seoul, South Korea - Blue Wind today is pleased to announce LED Light - for iPhone 4 LED Flashlight Version 1.04, an update to their extremely popular, free flashlight utility for iPhone 4. Number one in the Top 100 Free Utilities in the US App Store on 9/26/10, the utility enables the iPhone 4 owner to set their camera's flash to remain on continuously, creating an anytime, anywhere emergency flashlight. The update incorporates newly designed icons, complementing the instant activation flashlight, easy on/off button, strobe light function, and on/off sound effects.

Weighing only 4.8 ounces, the 4.5 x 2.3 inch iPhone 4 is one of the few things, like a wallet, that people take with them everywhere. Now, to this ubiquitous, cybernetic Swiss army knife comes a free app providing the most basic utility of all: light. Walking down unlit country paths, searching dark closets, resetting circuit breakers, reading on a bus, LED Light is handy, bright, and the perfect emergency flashlight. It is one of the few free utility apps that nearly every iPhone 4 owner is likely to use on a daily basis. Blue Wind advises that LED Light consumes power quickly, and that continued use of the flash may dramatically decrease battery life.

Feature Highlights:
* Simple, practical alternative or emergency light source
* Instant on continuous or strobe light
* Bright white LED produces 45 lumens, more efficient than incandescent or halogen
* LED beam brighter than screen-based flashlight utilities

"Apple finally put a high quality still/video camera light on the iPhone," stated Producer Doosun Hong. "Now, with iPhone 4 the user can use the camera function under almost any conditions, and use LED Light to provide emergency light anytime."

Device Requirements:
* iPhone 4
* iOS 4 or later
* 2.3 MB

Pricing and Availability:
LED Light - for iPhone 4 LED Flashlight Version 1.04 is free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Utilities category.

Based in Seoul, Korea, Blue Wind was established in 2005 as a mobile game company by Doosun Hong, and is actively focusing on developing games and applications for the iPhone. Their goal is to continuously develop and service various applications for their customer's convenience and enjoyment. Copyright (C) 2010 Blue Wind. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.


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